Udstillingsperiode 15. juni - 7. juli 2018

Participants :
Lina Nordenström, Richard Årlin, Göta Svensson, Jim Berggren, Nina Bondeson, Barbro Ravander, Tova Fransson, Sakari Männistö, Imi Maufe, Ane Thon Knutsen, Johan Solberg, Jostein Sandersen, Ottar Ormstad, Tina Jonsbu, , Bent Kvisgaard, Mette Ambeck, Jens Chr Jensen, Leifur Ýmir Eyjólfsson, Birna Einarsdóttir, Edward Johnson og Svends bibliotek - Jesper Palm, Anne Marie Ploug, Nina Maria Kleivan, Hjördis Haack, Vibe Bredahl, Carina Zunino.


Posted/Unposted is a book art project from the Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) with special emphasis on letterpress printing. The collaboration resulted in a limited edition collection and touring exhibition exposing the variety of ways letterpress can be used as a creative process. Twenty five artists, poets, printers and publishers who use (or have the potential to use) letterpress have been invited to contribute to a collaboration with constraints. The project is coordinated by Imi Maufe (Norway) and Lina Nordenström (Sweden).

We are using Wikipedia's definition of Letterpress: 'Letterpress printing is a technique of relief printing using a printing press, a process by which many copies are produced by repeated direct impression of an inked, raised surface against sheets or a continuous roll of paper. A worker composes and locks movable type onto the press, inks it, and presses paper against it to transfer the ink from the type which creates an impression on the paper. In practice, letterpress also includes other forms of relief printing with printing presses, such as wood engravings, photo-etched engravings and zinc plates, and linoleum blocks, which can be used alongside metal type, or wood type, in a single operation, as well as stereotypes and electrotypes of type and blocks. With certain letterpress units it is also possible to join movable type with slugs cast using hot metal typesetting. In theory, anything that is "type high" can be printed using letterpress :

The result of this project will be exhibited in various book fairs and exhibition venues in the Nordic Countries and the rest of the world in 2018/2019.

Svends Bibliotek will take part at the show with the installation ”Bogstavelig talt”. Svend's library is a collectively artist driven, nonprofit exhibition project and a portable exhibition space - a nomadic room, which was founded in 2003. It´s a close copy 1:1 of an original exhibition space of 1.6 m2, which started in Kunstnerhuset, Classensgade, Copenhagen and is led by visual artists Hjördis Haack, Anne Marie Ploug, Jesper Palm and Nina Maria Kleivan.

The exhibition also includes large scale letterpress prints by Lina Nordenström and a collaborative project organised by Imi Maufe titled To Go To Sea / Translating Travels which includes 30 individual mini-prints by Sarah Bodman, David Faithfull, Jilly Morris, Gayle Evans, Laura Singer, John Cumming, John Christie, Gair Dunlop, Paul Coldwell, Leonard McDermid, Nancy Campbell, Eilis Kirby, Ruth Wall, Malin Lennström-Örtwall, Randi Strand, Sarah Jost, David Rios, The Letterpress Collective, Lina Nordenström, Marit Tunestveit Dyre, Imi maufe, Megan Adie, Ottar Ormstad, Timber and Battery, Ian Stephen, Rona Rangsch, Angie Butler, Bent Kvisgaard, Eldar Heide, and Syliva Waltering.



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